
This website presents the realized trading performance alongside the developmental history of a machine learning-based algorithmic trading system, broadly categorized as follows:

  1. Trades on the ASX
    The system trades a portfolio of liquid equities on the ASX that pass rigorous risk managment and volatility filters.
  2. Learns & Adapts
    The system employs machine learning to glean insights from thousands of patterns, encompassing price movements to financial ratios derived from market data and financial statements spanning the past three decades. This analysis includes equities that held liquidity and ASX listing status at any juncture within this timeframe.
  3. More than the sum of its parts
    Guided by the conviction that no segment of the market operates in isolation, the model integrates information within the context of comparable assets and prevailing patterns across global markets and various asset classes. This information is subsequently leveraged to enhance individual predictions, sector-level projections and control portfolio level risk management.
  4. Current status
    Developed over a span of three years, and concurrently trading for two of those years the system has undergone substantial revisions. Initial versions involved manual trading steps, but starting from version 4, the system is fully automated and cloud-deployed. With the introduction of version 5 in August 2023, the system incoporates all key insights gathered from test trading and development so work has transitioned to maintenance mode while we see how the system performs. For an overview of real trading performance version 3 onwards is recommended, and for the backtest of the currently deployed version click here.

The trading reports refresh automatically every night, while the trading data may lag a few business days behind. If you wish to reach out, feel free to email us at contact at this sites domain.